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Single Portfolio


Pharmacy Information System or Pharmacy Management System is an excellent system that stores data and allows functionality to maintain and organize the medication use and process within pharmacies. The system is an independent technology, particularly in use for pharmacies and hospital settings.

The innovation in the medical industry is growing day-by-day, and the developers are using this opportunity in controlling their stock and choosing the medicine with the help of the right program. They use the pharmacy information system to control the pharmacy structure reliably.

These systems do everything right from providing insights and simplifying the management of drug inventory, to tracking and enhancing the supply of pharmaceutical products. A complete pharmacy management system also aids in handling pricing, making sure prescriptions are matched to the appropriate dosage and medication, automates processing claims.


  • Keeps track of Prescribed Medicines
  • Handles extra health and wellness services
  • Oversees and manages stock
  • Recognizes Expired Items
  • Reduces the number of Billing and Medication errors
  • Generates Analytical Pharmacy Reports
  • Improved Control over Pharmacy Operations


The prime purpose of a PMS is to assist the pharmacist in the safe and effective delivery of pharmaceutical drugs.

The pharmacies require some core capabilities and functions to perform their duties effectively. Below are some of the top five features for a Pharmacy Management System.

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